Family Hubs

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Family hubs will meet H&F families’ needs better by bringing services together in one place and offering integrated support.

Our physical family hubs will be central sites within our communities and welcoming, comfortable and supportive places. There will also be integrated online support.

The range of what will be on offer will include activities for children aged 0 to 5, midwifery and maternity support, health visiting for ages 0 to 5, mental health services, debt and welfare advice, public health services for ages 0 to 19, and intensive, targeted family support.

We will also be developing the family hubs in a new way, by collaborating with children and young people and their families, family groups, the local third sector, the NHS and the council’s children’s services in genuine partnership.

Family hubs will meet H&F families’ needs better by bringing services together in one place and offering integrated support.

Our physical family hubs will be central sites within our communities and welcoming, comfortable and supportive places. There will also be integrated online support.

The range of what will be on offer will include activities for children aged 0 to 5, midwifery and maternity support, health visiting for ages 0 to 5, mental health services, debt and welfare advice, public health services for ages 0 to 19, and intensive, targeted family support.

We will also be developing the family hubs in a new way, by collaborating with children and young people and their families, family groups, the local third sector, the NHS and the council’s children’s services in genuine partnership.

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Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 02:04 PM