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Tell us what you think

We want to know what you think. 

The council is developing strategy for the public realm in the White City Regeneration Areas that will make it safer, more connected, and accessible, with a clear identity. We want to make sure it is welcoming and well-used at all times of day, and we need your help with that.

This survey asks some questions about how you currently get around White City, how you feel when you are in the area, as well as your ideas to improve existing open spaces, and links between the key local spaces.

It should only take a few minutes to complete and all the information you provide will help to the development of the strategy. 


This survey is confidential. All data will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Your answers will be treated confidentially, and your demographic data will not be used to identify you as an individual. We will use anonymised responses to the survey for external and internal use.